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Booking Terms & Conditions

Please click on the link below to download our booking terms & conditions, which include the Code of Conduct for the Lower Mill Estate. We require all guests to sign this agreement and also confirm they will abide by the Code of Conduct.  This will be arranged after a booking has been confirmed and paid for.

Holiday Let Agreement

Short Term Holiday Let Agreement


Peregrine House, 19 Clearwater, Lower Mill Estate, Somerford Keynes, GL7 6FJ



Mike Yiannis

07876 507 807

Property Managers

Liam Townsend 07825 636 820

Pete Townsend 07739 899 284

Date of Booking Confirmation

Date of Agreement

Dates of Stay

1. Interpretation
1.1. The terms of this Agreement, including the Appendices, are important and legally binding on Guests and Host and should be read thoroughly.
1.2. Any obligation on the Guests not to do any act or thing shall include an obligation not to permit or allow that thing to be done.

2. Licence to Occupy the Accommodation
2.1. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Host permits the Guests to occupy the Accommodation for the period stated above for the purpose of a holiday.
2.2. The Host and the Guests agree that the Guests occupy the Accommodation as licensees and that no relationship of landlord and tenant is created by this Agreement or otherwise.

3. Host's Obligations
The Host agrees and confirms that:
3.1. he has the right to grant a licence to occupy the Accommodation on the terms set out in this Agreement;
3.2. by entering into this Agreement he will not breach any other agreement relating to the Accommodation (including the terms of any lease in relation to the Accommodation);
3.3. should any additional consents be required or costs and/or taxes be payable in order to grant the Guests the licence to occupy, these shall be the Host’s responsibility (provided that, if necessary, the Guests have provided the Host with the relevant information);
3.4. the description of both the Accommodation and additional services listed on are accurate and not misleading in any material respect;
3.5. the Accommodation complies with applicable laws and regulations as appropriate for the Guests’ holiday or short-term occupation (including all English and local laws);
3.6. where required by law or local regulations, he will provide fire and health and safety guidance, which shall include information about fire exits, at least one first aid kit, smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms where necessary and details of the water and gas shut-offs;
3.7. he will contact the Guests using the using the telephone number and email provided on the Booking Confirmation;
3.8. the Accommodation will be clean, sanitary and free from rubbish on check-in with clean bedding and bathroom towels;
3.9. all essential appliances in the Accommodation (including all appliances referred to on shall be in full working order together with heating, water, electricity and gas;
3.10. if he or the Property Managers receive notification from the Guests of a problem with the Accommodation either on check-in or during the Guests’ stay, they will take the steps necessary to remedy the situation as soon as practically possible; and
3.11. not to disclose the Guests’ identity or address to others under any circumstances, unless agreed by the Guest.

4. Guest's Obligations
The Guests agree:
4.1. to pay to the Host the Accommodation Charges and together with any other fees, taxes and charges specified in the Booking Confirmation or which are otherwise notified to the Guests by the Host;
4.2. that if there are any problems with the Accommodation at check-in or during the stay, they will contact Property Managers at their earliest convenience;
4.3. not to occupy the Accommodation other than as personal accommodation for holiday;
4.4. to observe the Lower Mill Estate Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”), as scheduled in Appendix 1 of this Agreement;
4.5. that the maximum number of people occupying the Accommodation will be the number of guests stated in the Booking Confirmation and that the Host has the right to refuse entry on check-in if there are more than the specified number of guests and that in this situation it will be a deemed cancellation by the Guests and the Host’s Applicable Cancellation Policy shall apply;
4.6. not to do or permit anything to be done which may be a nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to, or be abusive or discriminatory to the Host or any owner or occupier of neighbouring property;
4.7. not to cause or permit any damage to the Accommodation (other than reasonable wear and tear);
4.8. that they will observe any House Rules specified on and/or notified to the Guest before or on arrival at the Accommodation;
4.9. that they will read and follow any instructions (including health and safety guidance) provided by the Host;
4.10. to contact and notify the Property Managers immediately upon becoming aware of anything that might put health and/or safety at risk;
4.11. not to conduct any illegal or immoral activity at the Accommodation (including the taking of illegal drugs);
4.12. to leave the Accommodation and any of the Host’s personal property at the Accommodation clean and tidy at the end of the stay and in the condition it was in when they arrived;
4.13. that they are responsible for their own acts and omissions and are also responsible for the acts and omissions of any individuals whom the Guests invite to, or otherwise provide access to, the Accommodation, excluding the Host (and the individuals the Host invites to the Accommodation, if applicable);
4.14. that they will not bring any animals into the Accommodation (unless previously agreed with the Host as pets included in the Booking Confirmation);
4.15. not to access cupboards, drawers or rooms which have been sealed with tape or locked;
4.16. not to move furniture;
4.17. that they will contact the Property Managers using the telephone number and email link provided on the Booking Confirmation;
4.18. not to disclose the Host’s identity or address to others under any circumstances, unless agreed by the Host;
4.19. that the Host and Property Managers are entitled to visit the Accommodation on prior notice (except in case of emergency) and to permit the Host (or an agent of the Host) access:
4.19.1. in the event that the Host reasonably suspects a breach of this Agreement; or
4.19.2. in order to fulfil the Host’s obligations under this Agreement (in which case the Host will endeavour to provide the Guest with at least 24 hours’ notice); or
4.19.3. upon request of the Guest;
4.20. not to transfer this licence to occupy the Accommodation to anyone else without the prior consent of the Host;
4.21. that where the Guests have booked the Accommodation on behalf of themselves and one or more additional guests (“Additional Guests”), the Guests have made the additional guests aware of the terms of this Agreement and any House Rules applicable to the Booking and the Guests confirm that they will ensure that such Additional Guests will comply accordingly. If an Additional Guest is a minor then the Guests warrant and confirm that they are legally authorised to act on behalf of the minor; and
4.22. not to do or omit to do anything which could invalidate all or part of the Host’s insurance policy.

5. Damage to the Accommodation and Security Deposit
5.1. The Guests agree to pay a Security Deposit of £300. This will be refunded within 14 days of departures subject to there being no reason to retain any or all of it to cover any costs or losses for breach of this Agreement, including the Code of Conduct;
5.2. If the Accommodation (or any part of it) or any of the Host’s personal property is damaged during the stay, beyond reasonable wear and tear, the Guests:
5.2.1. must immediately notify the Property Managers and;
5.2.2. will be liable in full for the costs of that damage.
5.3. The Security Deposit will be used to cover any such costs or losses, and the Guests agree to cover any additional costs in excess of the Security Deposit.
5.4. The Guests confirm that if there is damage to the Accommodation or any of the Host’s personal property (over and above fair wear and tear) and/or if the Accommodation is heavily soiled so as to require in the Host’s reasonable opinion an industrial clean then the Host may make appropriate deductions from the Security Deposit.

6. Overstaying
6.1. The Guests agree that they will vacate the Accommodation at the check-out time of 10am, on the departure date as detailed in the Booking Confirmation and this Agreement. The Guests acknowledge and agree that if they do stay past the stipulated check-out time without the Host’s consent:
6.1.1. the Guest will be in breach of this Agreement and the Host (or an agent on the Host’s behalf) can require you to leave; and
6.1.2. the Guest will pay to the Host an overstay fee of £100 per hour.

7. Termination
7.1. This Agreement shall end on the earlier of:
7.1.1. the date and time when the Guests check out of the Accommodation; or
7.1.2. the expiry of any period specified in a notice of breach given by the Host to the Guests (provided that the Guests must have been given a reasonable period to remedy a remediable breach). If there is a repudiatory breach by the Guests, or a consistent breach of the Code of Conduct, then the Host may give notice to the Guests to terminate immediately.

8. Liability
8.1. The Guests acknowledge and agree that, subject to the provisions of clause 8.3 below, the Host shall not be liable to the Guest for:
8.1.1. the death of or injury to the Guests including Additional Guests or invitees to the Accommodation;
8.1.2. damage to any property of the Guests or the Additional Guests or invitees to the Accommodation; or
8.1.3. any losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses or other liability incurred by the Guests or Additional Guests or invitees to the Accommodation in the exercise of the right to occupy the Accommodation under the terms of this Agreement.
8.2. The Host’s liability to the Guests for all losses shall not exceed the Accommodation Charges paid by the Guest for the Booking plus any fees or payments that the Guests paid for additional services when they made their Booking.
8.3. Nothing in this Clause limits or excludes the liability of any party for death or personal injury caused by its negligence (or the negligence of its agents or employees) or for fraud.

9. General
9.1. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Guests and the Host and any other terms, conditions or prior representations whatsoever shall be of no effect unless expressly set out in or are incorporated into this Agreement (for the avoidance of doubt terms that are incorporated include but are not limited to the Host’s Applicable Cancellation Policy and House Rules).
9.2. If any term of this Agreement is found to be void or unenforceable by any court or authority of competent jurisdiction or is not permitted under Local Laws and/or English Law, then all other provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect and will not in any way be impaired provided the Parties agree a replacement provision which is as close as is legally permissible to the provision found invalid or unenforceable.
9.3. This Agreement does not confer any rights on any person or party (other than the Parties to this Agreement).
9.4. The Host shall be entitled to sub-contract or delegate its obligations under this Agreement without the consent of the Guests, provided that the Host continues to remain ultimately responsible for the performance of those obligations.
9.5. This Agreement and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it is governed by and is to be construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
9.6. The choice of law does not impact your rights as a consumer according to the consumer protection regulations of your country of residence. If you are acting as a consumer, judicial proceedings that you are able to bring arising from or in connection with this Agreement may only be brought in a court located in England or a court with jurisdiction in your place of residence. If The Host wishes to enforce any of his rights against you as a consumer, he may do so only in the courts of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident. If you are acting as a business, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Guest 1 Signature: Guest 1 Full Name:

Guest 2 Signature: Guest 2 Full Name:

Host Signature: Host Full Name: Mike Yiannis


Lower Mill Estate Code of Conduct

Applies to all guests staying at Peregrine House, Lower Mill Estate, GL7 6FJ

  1. Introduction

Lower Mill Estate (“LME”) is a Nature Reserve located in the heart of the Cotswolds. We promote a safe family environment for people to enjoy, coupled with a duty to protect the natural habitat of many species of wildlife for generations to come. In order to maintain a balance between these two factions, there are a number of “Rules” to ensure that the LME is safe, secure and a peaceful environment for all. Homes on the LME must be used for holiday purposes only. A full set of the Code of Conduct (“CoC”) can be provided on request, the key points are set out in this document.

Please ensure all guests familiarise themselves with these and we kindly ask you observe them at all times, thank you

2. Confirmation Required from Guests

    Security at the LME require all guests to acknowledge the CoC as a pre-requisite to entry. All guests are required to email with the following:

    “I acknowledge receipt of the Code of Conduct and understand and agree to its conditions, including sharing the information with all other guests”

    Please note, by sending the above confirmation, you are also confirming that:

    • all guests have read and understood the LME CoC
    • you are not part of a larger group staying on the LME
    • you are not a hen or stag party
    • your stay at LME is for holiday purposes only
    • any lost spa passes will be charged at £35 each
    • any lost items left behind can be returned for a fee of £25 each

    3. What if I breach The Code of Conduct?

      Please be aware that a breach of the CoC may result in the loss of all or part of your rental deposit and continuous breaches of the CoC could result in all members of your party being evicted from the Estate.

      4. Quiet Enjoyment & Consideration for Others:

        • No Hen or Stag Parties - We promote a family atmosphere at all times
        • Noise amplifies across water - Please keep voices low when on decking/balconies
        • Be aware that this is a development of privately-owned properties. Do not walk around houses or borrow/use equipment belonging to other homes
        • Be aware of ‘light pollution’. Turn lights low in the evening
        • No external amplified music. Noise travels easily across the lakes
        • No music or excessive noise at all after 11pm
        • No fireworks or lanterns; for the safety of wildlife, fireworks or lanterns are strictly forbidden

        5. Safety & Estate Facilities:

        • The Speed Limit on the Estate is 5 mph. There is zero tolerance to speeding on the Estate
        • Limited parking on the Estate: please use your allocated parking space. All other vehicles must be parked in the overflow car park
        • Children must not be left unattended. This is of paramount importance around equipment, pools and lakes on the Estate
        • The Spa: please ensure you have your passes. There are two passes for free access to the facilities hanging behind the front door. Please replace them before you otherwise a fee will be incurred of £35 for each lost pass
        • Please note the safety rules in the hot tub, pools, saunas and play areas. Please be considerate to others in the changing rooms
        • Traffic management - LME operates a shared space policy to reduce the priority of motor vehicles and increase the priority of pedestrian users and cyclists

        6. Wildlife & Nature Reserve:

          • Please do not feed any wild animals
          • If you plan to fish, please familiarise yourself with the Estate Fishing Rules located on the notice boards
          • Canoes, sail boats and wind surfers, please refer to the notice boards for lake closures and information regarding path closures
          • Please adhere to PRIVATE PROPERTY signage
          • Buoyancy aids must be worn on the lakes at ALL times
          • Please keep dogs on a lead at all times around the Estate. Please also remove any fouling and dispose of appropriately


          ‘You’ or ‘Your’ means the Guest or the Guests
          ‘We’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ means the Host

          Confirmation of Booking

          A contract between you and us will be binding when we issue written confirmation of your booking, and you agree to the terms and conditions as stated below.

          To confirm a booking, we will issue email confirmation, which you are required to check and notify us immediately of any incorrect information.

          Full payment is required upon booking. All direct bookings are non-refundable.

          Online check-in

          We don’t have reception therefore the Property Managers will contact you a few days before arrival to provide details of how to access the Accommodation.


          All prices are quoted in UK Pounds Sterling. The prices quoted include administration and cleaning costs, unless otherwise stated.

          Methods of Payment

          Full payment for the Accommodation is required at the time of booking. We accept the following methods of payment:
          • Credit card via payment platform Stripe, when you book online at
          • Bank transfer – payments can be transferred directly into the bank account as per the website. Please quote name on payment. The payment must be cleared in full net of all bank charges before arrival date. Please note that we cannot accept cheques.

          If you alter a booking

          If you wish to alter your booking once a written confirmation has been issued, e.g. change of date of arrival hence decreasing the length of your stay, we will make every effort to meet your request, subject to availability, and an administration charge of £50 will be payable at this time booking alteration being made. No administration charge will apply if you are staying for longer than the period booked.

          Extension of bookings

          Extensions of current reservations are subject to availability and rate change. In order to complete your extension, full payment is required at the time your extension being agreed.

          Changes to bookings and cancellations

          Once a booking has been confirmed by us, should you wish to change your booking, all requests for changes must be made in writing and we will do our best to help. All changes of date are subject to availability. Should any change be rejected, the original booking will be reinstated.


          Any bookings cancelled up to 60 days before arrival, will qualify for a full refund. Any cancellation within 60 days of arrival date will not qualify for any refund.

          Non-arrivals/ no-shows

          Non-arrivals/ no-shows will be treated as a cancellation and will be subject to a 100% cancellation charge.

          We reserve the right to treat an early departure or reduction in the number of nights or apartments booked, which results in a reduction in the overall charges payable, as a cancellation.

          Us cancelling or changing your booking

          We do not expect to have to make any changes to your booking. However, occasionally bookings have to be changed or cancelled. We reserve the right to do so. If this does happen, we will contact you by telephone or email where reasonably possible to explain what has happened and inform you of the cancellation or change. If a change has to be made (and the change is not acceptable to you) or your booking has to be cancelled, you will receive a full refund of all monies paid to us unless this is the result of an event beyond our control. You should tell us as soon as reasonably possible whether you wish to accept any change, or alternatively, if you want a full refund.

          Complaints/ damage to property/ guest misconduct

          We reserve the right to cancel any letting immediately if: (i) the guest or any member of their party behave in such a way as to cause damage to the property or its furniture or contents or (ii) if the guest’s behaviour causes a nuisance or annoyance to the owner of any adjoining or neighbouring property whether let by us or not. If cancellation is made for either of these reasons, no refund will be made and both your accommodation and deposit will be forfeited. In the event that the guest(s) refuse to vacate the property, having been asked to do so by the duty manager, the police will be asked to attend.


          We cannot be held responsible for any failure or interruption of services to the Accommodation, including electricity and water or any damage, disruption or noise caused as a result of repair works being carried out in another part of the building.

          Additional Charges

          Guests are liable for any damages and breakages caused during their stay. Please note that your accommodation charges cover an end of tenancy clean of up to 3 hours. If the property is left very dirty and we need to spend more than 3 hours cleaning, we reserve the right to charge an extra cleaning cost of £50.

          We reserve the right to charge for missing or damaged linen and towels at £10 per item.

          Booking charges are based on number of persons occupying the property. Where number of guests exceeds the number of guests on the booking, we will make a charge of £25 per extra guest per night.

          We have an out of hours emergency call out line, if we have to attend the property through no fault of our own, there will be a £75 call out fee.

          If a Guest locks themselves out, there will be a £30 call out charge during normal office hours and £75 outside of office hours. If a Guest loses a key, we will arrange for an additional set to be supplied and charge £50 for this plus a call out fee depending on the time of the day, as above.

          Guest can request an early check-in or late check-out, subject to availability, at a cost of £10 per hour up to 2 hours maximum.

          Accommodation and Occupancy

          You agree not to use the Accommodation for any illegal or immoral purposes, and not to cause a nuisance or annoyance to other residents nearby. You acknowledge that this agreement confers on you the right to occupy the premises for the purposes of a holiday or short-term temporary stay and is not being used as a permanent dwelling house.

          You undertake to keep the property and all furniture and fitting and effects in the Accommodation in the same state of repair and cleanliness as at the beginning of the letting, allowing for reasonable wear and tear. The visitor is liable for all damages and breakages. No fixtures or fittings are to be removed from the property at any time.

          In the event that any of the conditions of occupancy are broken we reserve the right to terminate the contract with the Guests with immediate effect; no refund will be issued.

          Arrivals and Departures

          Each property is available from 4:00 pm on the day of arrival until 10:00 am on the day of departure. Overstays will be charged as a full day, unless previously agreed. Keys must be left inside the key safe upon departure and the code must be scrambled. We reserve the right to charge £10 for any set of keys not returned.

          Early departure

          Guests who leave prior to the agreed departure date will be charged for the full duration of the booking.

          Security Deposit

          Our security deposits are set at £300 per stay. Valid credit/ debit card details are required for the security deposit at the time of booking. We will not charge your card but we will pre-authorise the amount on your card 1 day before your arrival and will be cancel it 7 days after your departure, if no damage has been caused.

          We reserve the right to deduct from the card any amounts chargeable. Any charges will be notified prior to being deducted from the card.

          Car parking

          A single car park space is available, the number 19 spot, in the small car park by the house. Any other cars must be left in the overflow car park near the entrance to the Lower Mill Estate.

          Please ensure all cars complete a car park permit in the windscreen. This will be emailed to you in advance, but can also be downloaded here: Car Park Permit


          Up to two pets are allowed at the Accommodation, for no extra charge.  However please note:

          • Dogs must never be allowed on beds. If there is any evidence of this (smell/ pawprints/ pet hair) then an extra charge will be levied for cleaning and/ or replacement linen
          • Dog must not be allowed on furniture, the only exception to this is if you bring your own (clean) dog blankets that cover the entire sofa, and this is no evidence whatsoever of their presence on departure
          • Dogs must never be left unattended. Wardens control LME and are very vigilant about pert welfare and noise disturbance. They will report any dogs that appear to be left alone
          • Dogs must always stay on leads whilst in the built up area of the LME
          • If dogs get wet, they must be properly dried with your own pet towels before being allowed back into the property. Any muddy paw prints must be cleaned up straight away
          • There is a vast array of wildlife on the LME and several protected areas. Dog should never be allowed to worry or disturb the wildlife


          The Accommodation is strictly non-smoking. If you smoke in the property, there will be an additional charge of £75 for deodorisation and £50 for deep cleaning.

          Personal belongings

          Personal belongings left in the Accommodation following departure will be kept for 1 week and then disposed of. Should we need to post any personal items to you, we reserve to charge for postage/ time to administer posting the items to you or you can make an appointment to collect the items from the property free of charge.